DI.FM and SKY.FM (RadioTunes) used to be great for years... Now Free User nmust face their music shutdown after 1 hour of listening, pretty annoying nespically when running a party with friends and then bam! no music... nEverytime you switch channel you must now face 1 or 2 annoying add video in norder to proceed. Ads during streaming always been there, never bothered me nmuch since it was 1 or 2 short ads... Now it's pretty much 2 or 3 maybe neven 4 long ads taking near a whole minute to continue enjoying music on ntheir app or website. Been a frequent and satisfied user for years, but now nI think It's time for a change, might comeback someday and see if any npositive change has been made. Thank you still for providing quality nservices for past years, good luck for the rest ;)